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Certified Functional Safety Engineers & Managers
Our Customers
Robert BOSCH GmbH
Robert BOSCH central quality division runs a BOSCH wide server, and assessors from all sites can use/access it. In divisions like BOSCH AS first a Raspberry server is used in the local assessment, then the assessment is exported and imported to the central server. Most use the central serer directly with a https access. Each business unit has an organizational account and each assessor has an assessor account. Automotive SPICE assessments in automotive steering, trainer in cooperation with central quality assurance for automotive spice.
ZF Friedrichshafen AG
ZF Friedrichshafen AG uses a number of laptop licenses, and runs a central server supported by the IT in the C division in Schweinfurt. ZF has used the portal since many years and assessments since approx. 2007 are maintained in the server. Recently Raspberry servers have been provided for field testing to selected people in ZF. automotive spice assessments in e-division, i-division, chassis-division, cybersecurity training, strategic improvement programme coaching for automotive spice
Hella KGaA Hueck & Co.
HELLA uses a corporate wide portal, also applies laptop licenses and in assessments recently the Raspberry portable solutions have been used. All assessors (internal and external) are recommended to use the Capability Adviser infrastructure. automotive spice assessments, acting as SQIL
Marquardt Group
MARQUARDT uses a corporate wide portal, also applies laptop licenses. Assessors (internal and external) are recommended to use the Capability Adviser infrastructure.
AVL List GmbH
Automotive SPICE Assessor courses, partner in soqrates working group, training of trainers in functional safety and cybersecurity, partnering training body in EuroSPI Academy, workshop lead in eurospi conference which is managed by ISCN
functional safety and cybersecurity courses, partner in soqrates working group, functional safety assessments, winning KTM quality award in 2016, keynotes at Eurospi conference which is managed by ISCN
Automotive SPICE training and assessments, functional safety assessments, improvement coaching, functional safety coaching, partner in soqrates working group
establishment of quality system for automotive SPICE, functional safety training, functional saftey coaching, coaching in automotive SPICE, presenter at Eurospi conference which is managed by ISCN

Our Team

Dr. Richard Messnarz
Director of ISCN and Principal Assessor has a PhD in Technical Mathematics and Informatics. He is a lead researcher and an Automotive SPICE Principal Assessor working on software process improvement based on ISO norms since 30 years.
 h-index: 29  |  i10-index: 89
Dr. Richard Messnarz has studied Technical Mathematics and Informatics at the University of Technology Graz. He made his PhD at TU Graz, and he worked as a researcher and lecturer at TU Graz 1990 - 1997 before he left to ISCN. Dr. Richard Messnarz is an ISO 15504 and Automotive SPICE Principal Assessor and for the last 30 years he has been acting as consultant and/or trainer for leading companies like ZF Friedrichshafen AG, BOSCH Automotive Steering, BOSCH Automotive Electronics, BOSCH DGS, Continental Automotive, AVL, MAGNA, RENESAS, KTM Motorsport, HELLA, LEAR, Automotive Lighting, T-Systems and many more.
Dipl.-Ing. Damjan Ekert
Software Project Manager and Principal Assessor has a master's degree in Telematics/Informatics (TU Graz). Damjan is an experienced software developer while also working on process improvement assessments being an ASPICE Principal Assessor.
 h-index: 14  |  i10-index: 20
Dipl.-Ing. Damjan Ekert has studied Telematics at the University of Technology, Graz, Austria and finished his studies with distinction. Since 2001 he has been working for ISCN as SW project manager, ISO 15504 and Automotive SPICE consultant, principal assessor Automotive SPICE© and SW integrator. He is an ISO 15504 and Automotive SPICE Principal Assessor and he has been acting as consultant and/or trainer for leading companies like ZF Friedrichshafen AG, BOSCH Automotive Steering, BOSCH Automotive Electronics, Magna Powertrain, Hidria, Kolektor, LEAR, HELLA, T-Systems and many more. Damjan Ekert has many years of experiences as consultant in the range of software process improvement and is member of the German/Austrian task force SOQRATES.
Tobias Danmayr
Senior Software Development Engineer studied physics at KFU Graz and informatics at TU Graz. He is an experienced software developer working on state-of-the-art back-end solutions. Tobias is the lead developer for the Capability Adviser.
 h-index: 3  |  i10-index: 3
Tobias Danmayr is a senior software engineer and Automotive SPICE Provisional Assessor at ISCN and responsible for the Skill-Portal, EurpoSPI Website and development of the Capability Adviser Assessment Tool. He is employed at ISCN GesmbH since 2016.
Laura Aschbacher MA
Consultant for Innovation Management and Marketing has a master's degree in Communication, Media, Sound and Interaction Design and studies Leadership in Digital Transformation at TU Graz. Laura is also an intacs certifed Provisional Assessor.
 h-index: 4  |  i10-index: 3
Laura Aschbacher studied Information Design and Communication, Media, Sound and Interaction Design. She also acted as ISCN project manager for the EuroSPI App development which was first presented at EuroSPI 2018, to have a mobile application for the conference. She designed the new Capability Adviser interface and other digital and print material. In 2023 she started working as a consultant and is now an intacs certified Provisional Assessor for Innovation Management.
About Us
A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary. — Thomas Carruthers

ISCN has been formed originally based on research results from TU Graz (1994) and most experts of the company are still lecturing at the universities, are participating in actual leading research projects, and are supporting in series development projects in automotive. The experts are either 90% industry and 10% lecturing, or if they are still fully working at the university they are from applied research. This way ISCN cooperates with
  • University of Technology Graz, Austria
  • University of Applied Sciences Joenneum, Graz Austria
  • Grenoble Institute of Technology, France
  • VSB Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Experts in ISCN have a research profile with knowledgeable h-index and i10-index and work in automotive research projects. All experts working in ISCN teans have technical background and are not from a non-automotive field of study.

We're also managing an international conference for 26 years, the EuroSPI conference, in automotive topics with service, system and software improvement best practice aswell as managing a working party of leading Tier 1 in Germany and Austria cooperating, since 2003, on best practices for cybersecurity, functional safety, Automotive SPICE and traceability called SOQRATES.
The best practices from both EuroSPI and SOQRATES are integrated into our training and coaching programs for industry.
Our Credo
Involve me - ISCN follows a strategy that we motivate and convince engineers to e.g. follow and use Automotive SPICE because we are engineers and we can convince engineers with our practical approach.
Spice me up - we can access a knowledge base of best practices which help to really achieve a higher SPICE level when working with our team.
Consult me - we do not just place a person in your company but we rather elaborate a real working example together with your team and coach the team until your team has the capability ad also continues by themselves.
Network me - we can connect you to real experience networks such as EuroSPI and SOQRATES.